thumbnail of 2009 ILO – Operational Indicators for trafficking in Human Beings

ILO & EC: Operational Indicators of Trafficking in Human Beings (2009)

thumbnail of ILO Guide_migrant workers

ILO: In search of Decent Work – migrant workers rights: a manual for trade unionists (2008)

thumbnail of Palermo Zusatzprotokoll

Palermo Zusatzprotokoll zu Menschenhandel (2005)

thumbnail of Konvention des Europarats gegen Menschenhandel_2005.pdf

Europaratskonvention gegen Menschenhandel (2005)

thumbnail of training manual police+customs (ICMPD)_2005

ICMPD: Awareness Training on Trafficking in Human Beings for Police, Border Guards and Customs Officials (2005)

ILO Konvention 29 gegen Zwangsarbeit (1930)