thumbnail of situationsbericht_brandenburg_2013

BGMA: Situationsbericht: Arbeitsausbeutung und Menschenhandel in Brandenburg (2013)

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thumbnail of RL 2011-36-EU

EU-Richtlinie zu Menschenhandel 2011/36/EU (2011)

thumbnail of Falldokumentation_Bsp Au-Pair 2011

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thumbnail of CBSS-Handbook-for-Diplomatic-and-Consular-Personnel

CBSS: Handbook for Diplomatic and Consular Personnel on How to Assist and Protect Victims (2011)

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ITUC: The Role of Internet Recruitment in Trafficking for Labour Exploitation (2011)

thumbnail of 2009 ILO – Operational Indicators for trafficking in Human Beings

ILO & EC: Operational Indicators of Trafficking in Human Beings (2009)

thumbnail of ILO Guide_migrant workers

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